




”[Customer who turned 60] straightening and manicure”

straightening is gaining popularity as a straightening perm that is gentle on your hair. We will explain in detail how to minimize damage and give your hair a natural shine, as well as how long the results will last and how to care for your hair after the treatment. A must-read for anyone wanting beautiful straight hair!

【What is a one-on-one hair salon?】

straightening is gaining popularity as a straightening perm that is gentle on your hair. We will explain in detail how to minimize damage and give your hair a natural shine, as well as how long the results will last and how to care for your hair after the treatment. A must-read for anyone wanting beautiful straight hair!

“Easy hair care with straightening! A practical guide”

straightening is gaining popularity as a straightening perm that is gentle on your hair. We will explain in detail how to minimize damage and give your hair a natural shine, as well as how long the results will last and how to care for your hair after the treatment. A must-read for anyone wanting beautiful straight hair!


東京銀座駅徒歩2分美容師歴20年以上の粒來賢治(つぶらいけんじ)です。 自己紹介 インスタグラム@kenji_ginza_naokihairdressing いつもご愛読くださりありがとうございます♪ 【営業時間】 10:00〜20:00 ...





【For silky shiny        hair❗️straightening】

straightening is gaining popularity as a straightening perm that is gentle on your hair. We will explain in detail how to minimize damage and give your hair a natural shine, as well as how long the results will last and how to care for your hair after the treatment. A must-read for anyone wanting beautiful straight hair!

